ESG: The Path to Sustainability and Social Responsibility | ZKL Group
 ESG: The Path to Sustainability and Social Responsibility

ESG: The Path to Sustainability and Social Responsibility

ZKL Company acknowledges its commitment to sustainability and societal impact, therefore it has decided to prepare an ESG report already in 2024.

Based on the Paris Agreement, the European Union has pledged to achieve "climate neutrality" by 2050, which means producing only as much greenhouse gases as ecosystems can remove. To support this policy, ESG reporting (environmental, social, and corporate governance) has become a key tool. The ESG report is important for increasing transparency and accountability of companies and helps investors, consumers, and other stakeholders better understand how the company considers environmental and social factors in its business and how it is managed. At the same time, it contributes to the sustainable and lasting development of businesses and the market as a whole.

ZKL Company has been leaning towards a sustainable approach in its business for several years. In terms of environmental protection, it focuses on implementing new technologies leading to a reduction in the energy and ecological demands of production. It installs solar panels on the roofs of its buildings. Simultaneously, it actively works on minimizing harmful impacts on the surrounding environment.

Regarding the social aspect, the company is committed to supporting diversity in its workforce and therefore hires employees regardless of their gender, age, or religious beliefs. To strengthen relationships and support among employees, it holds regular company events. Recently, it has also introduced a whistleblowing, which allows anonymous sharing of concerns, ideas, and complaints, thus enhancing open communication and trust within the company.

ESG is not just an empty word for ZKL Group, but a real commitment that brings positive changes for both the company itself and its employees and the environment around it.