Suppliers | ZKL Group
Suppliers Suppliers


We are the largest producer of bearings in Central Europe and our products turn machines around the world. When choosing suppliers, we therefore carefully select the best ones who can meet our strict requirements and guarantee the quality of raw materials and semi-finished products.
The basic requirements for the quality, safety and reliability of the product delivered to the companies of the ZKL Group are set out in the Supplier's Quality Manual. For the purposes of this Manual, the companies of the ZKL Group are as follows:
  • ZKL Brno, a.s.,
  • ZKL Klášterec nad Ohří, a.s.,
  • ZKL Bearings CZ, a.s.,
  • and other companies of the ZKL Group which will refer to this document in the contract or order.
We manage purchases in the ZKL Group centrally for all companies. If you are interested in becoming our supplier, you will find all the important information in the following documents.


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