ZKL Klášterec nad Ohří became an Innovation company of the Ústí Region for 2020 | ZKL Group
ZKL Klášterec nad Ohří became an Innovation company of the Ústí Region for 2020
4.2. 2021

ZKL Klášterec nad Ohří became an Innovation company of the Ústí Region for 2020

The Innovation Centre of the Ústí Region (ICUK) in cooperation with CzechInvest and the Ústí Region announced the results of the competition for the Innovation Company of the Ústí Region. In the year 2020 our production company ZKL Klášterec nad Ohří has signed up to its third edition.

The innovation with which we won in the category "of large enterprises" was a cylindrical roller unit (CRU) designed for the railway industry. Its specificity is the extension of the service interval up to 1.3 million kilometres at a speed of 160 km/h of normal operating load. This prototype was developed as part of a research project, the partner of which was also the technological centre of the ZKL Group, the company ZKL – Výzkum a vývoj (Research and Development).

The first place entitles us to use the title of Innovation Company of the Ústí Region for 2020. Being proud of this title we commit to continue in developing our potential for innovations.

Jarmila Bůchová, Project Manager of the ZKL Klášterec nad Ohří team